Soccer Dad Radio - The SDR Podcast

Soccer Dad Radio - The SDR Podcast

Soccer Dad Radio - Sports Parents Know Your Role | Episode 16

October 02, 2018

In this episode, the guys revisit the subject of their podcast...sports parents. They started this project to help parents find self awareness while helping their child navigate their way along the path of youth sports. The guys aren't perfect and they will be the first to tell you.

As sport parents, we have an additional responsibility to our children. We need to teach them that competition is their most valuable training partner. Dealing with the wins and loses correctly will only set them up for success when the real world hits. They learn how to achieve peak performance through dedication and commitment, all while learning how to strengthen their weaknesses. But with this teaching, we need to let them learn and struggle on their own path while we provide support. We need to be their biggest fans, their biggest cheerleaders. And that's it! Unless we are stepping up to be the coach, director, or manager; we need to be hands off and put out trust in the system. We need to back the coach and not second guess their philosophies or motives. We need to fulfill our duties and be the role model for our young athletes to follow. We have found the ones that 2nd guess this and dismiss this mindset are the exact problem with youth sports. They know better. They know more. Yet they want to pay someone else to influence and coach their child.

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